Wedding Bouquet Commission
Wedding Bouquet Commission
A wedding bouquet commission, perfect for yourself or a cute gift to someone for their anniversary!
When the illustration is complete I will send you a PNG of the illustration.
I take a maximum of 1 of each sized bouquet commission pieces per month.
Once purchased, I will send you an email asking for your photos or alternatively you can email this across with your order number in the subject line.
If you require this for a specific date please get in contact with me first to check I am able to meet your time frame :)
If you require an image for licensing purposes, please get in touch as this
will require a bespoke arrangement.
All artworks created by Anja Richards Art are protected by copyright law. The commissioned digital illustrations are for personal use only and may not be reproduced, redistributed, or resold without explicit written permission from Anja Richards Art. The client retains ownership of the original photograph provided for reference, but the final artwork remains the intellectual property of Anja Richards Art. Any unauthorized use, reproduction, or commercial exploitation of the artwork is strictly prohibited.